Home PHP WampServer- localhost issue

WampServer- localhost issue


I just installed WampServer and when I run LocalHost, Firefox shows me a blank screen.

I made a script:


Php echo "Hello PHP works" ?>

I've installed WampServer in C/wamp/wwww and I can not see it.

It seems that Vista blocks access to Apache.


The problem is due to the fact that Skype uses port 80 as alternative port.

You have three solutions:

- Choose between Wamp or Skype

- Disable Skype (go to Tools-> Options, Connections tab uncheck Use port 80 and 443 as an alternative).

-Either change the httpdonf

E.g use the 4616 port

So change the line


Listen 80

by Listen 4616

and ServerName localhost: 80

by ServerName localhost: 4616

Note that, in this case, your address will always begin with

http://localhost:4616, instead of http://localhost.

Thanks to hatemna for this tip.

  • PHP


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