Home Java JSDK - Java Servlet Development Kit

JSDK - Java Servlet Development Kit

JSDK (Java Servlet Development Kit) is a package containing all the classes and interfaces needed to develop servlets. JSDK also contains a web server and servlet engine to test your creations. The servlet engine provided in JSDK is a basic one(but free). In this article we will show you how to install and run it on your device.

Download JSDK

The first step is to download JSDK Sun which is available from the Sun website:

Installing JSDK

To install JSDK simply decompress the archive (using the tar command in Unix systems) or double-click on the executable file on Windows.

Simply copy the file tree:

either in the root directory of the JDK, no configuration is necessary.

or in any directory. You must then update the path (PATH) and the path to the classes (CLASSPATH).

To verify that the installation was performed correctly, simply start the servletrunner utility, the servlet engine included in the JSDK, that is to say, a basic server running on port 8080. If JSDK utility is correctly installed servletrunner should return the following lines:


servletrunner starting with settings :

port = 8080

backlog = 50

max handlers = 100

timeout = 5000

servletdir = ./examples

document dir = ./examples

servlet propfile = ./examples/servlet.properties

Image: ©123RFom

  • Java


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